Hello, With ESQL/C on a PostgreSQL 13.1 server I see the result of this query: select katkey,normform from swd_anzeige where normform >= 'A' ORDER BY ASC; coming out in this order: query: fetch swd_anzeige_seq RESULT: A query: fetch swd_anzeige_seq RESULT: ゲアハルト・A・リッター query: fetch swd_anzeige_seq RESULT: ゲルハルト・A・リッター query: fetch swd_anzeige_seq RESULT: チャールズ・A・ビアード query: fetch swd_anzeige_seq RESULT: A010STRUKTUR query: fetch swd_anzeige_seq RESULT: A010STRUKTUR query: fetch swd_anzeige_seq RESULT: A010STRUKTUR query: fetch swd_anzeige_seq RESULT: A0150SUPRALEITER I loaded the same table in my server, but can't get the same order with psql: katkey | normform --------+--------------------------------------------------------- 233871 | A ... 92938 | ゲアハルト・A・リッター 92938 | ゲルハルト・A・リッター 92938 | リッター0ゲルハルト・A i.e. the Japanese rows are sorted at the end after all others. Why? Thanks matthias -- Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045 Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub August 13, 1961: Better a wall than a war. And, while the GDR was still existing, no German troups and bombs have been killed in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Afrika...