Hi, I have tried to upgrade my cluster from version 13 to 14 using the command: "pg_upgradecluster -m links --no-start 13 main". But upgrade failed with messages: ----------------- pg_restore: creating INDEX "public.closed_sessions_closed_id_idx" pg_restore: while processing header: pg_restore: from header entry 3195; 1259 29484835 INDEX closed_sessions_closed_id_idx postgres pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: cannot use invalid index "closed_sessions_closed_id_idx" as replica identity While executing command: -- For binary upgrade, must preserve pg_class oids SELECT pg_catalog.binary_upgrade_set_next_index_pg_class_oid('29484835'::pg_catalog.oid); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "closed_sessions_closed_id_idx" ON ONLY "public"."closed_sessions" USING "btree" ("closed", "id"); ALTER TABLE ONLY "public"."closed_sessions" REPLICA IDENTITY USING INDEX "closed_sessions_closed_id_idx"; --------------- closed_sessions is partitioned table and column closed is used for replica identity index. Cluster version 13 works fine... How can I upgrade the cluster? Sergey Belyashov.