Hi! Sorry for my English.. I want to dinamcly change type of column. If possible, of course.Trivial idia - create new temporary column, try to write value from old columt to temporarity (if type conersion ok - this made using select/update command and type conversion checks on client's side), then delete old column, and rename temporary column.. But this decision looked quite ill... Do you have better idea? -- Я доcтаю из шиpоких штанин,В котоpых гpажданка одета,Воcемь ноpмальных. И двадцать одинЗапpещенных к ношенью пpедмета! Now playing: 03 - Lara And Reyes - Exotico.mp3 AutoGenerated by fortune & xmms... ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match