Hi Sir,
I need some help. I have been using the postgis extension for many years. Now in postgis version 3.2 using geom data in geography with ST_Length and ST_Distance function returns some weird results. Before I used 3.1.4, all was good. But I got different results in version 3.2. So can you suggest why I am getting different results in postgis version 3.2.
I need some help. I have been using the postgis extension for many years. Now in postgis version 3.2 using geom data in geography with ST_Length and ST_Distance function returns some weird results. Before I used 3.1.4, all was good. But I got different results in version 3.2. So can you suggest why I am getting different results in postgis version 3.2.
I really appreciate for your help. Thank you.