pá 31. 12. 2021 v 21:28 odesílatel Martin Mueller <martinmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> napsal: > > I have a very naïve question and don’t know where tp look for the answer. I use Postgres via AquaData Studio as a giant spreadsheet. I create tables and give them names. I see the table names and know how to manipulate them with simple SQL queries. > > > > I know that on my Mac the tables are kept in the data directory /Users/martinmueller/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-13. If I go there I see that internally the tables have numbers. Somewhere in the system there must be a table that maps the name I gave to table X to the numerical inside the database. > > > > Where is that mapping and how can I query it? On what page of the documentation do I find the answer? There is a nice blogpost related. https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/blog/postgresql-filename-to-table/ > > > I much prefer Postgres to Mysql for a variety of reasons, but mostly for its elegant string functions. But in Mysql it seems to be much easier to keep track of tables. > > > > Martin Mueller > > Professor emeritus of English and Classics > > Northwestern University > > > >