On 12/6/21 10:03 AM, Alan Hodgson wrote:
I keep running into problems like these:
Devs are using an ORM. It really likes to produce queries like:
SELECT "shipment_import_records".* FROM "shipment_import_records"
WHERE shipment_import_records"."shipment_import_id" = 5090609 ORDER BY
"shipment_import_records"."id" ASC LIMIT 1;
I don't know why they do this. Usually it's more like 50 for
pagination which make more sense. But for whatever reason this keeps
coming up.
To be clear, is it the devs or the ORM that's adding the ORDER and the
LIMIT? I'm betting on devs. Do they need the smallest id (first
occurrance?) or do they need data common to all 5096 entries (Name?) and
any record will do?. For the former they might be better off asking for
just the attributes they need and for the latter you need to provide an
option which gets them that single record. Of course, If they have the
"smallest id" in hand they should request that.