So let's suppose I have a table like this: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS public."Lockers" ( "Id" integer NOT NULL GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ( INCREMENT 1 START 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 2147483647 CACHE 1 ), "Uuid" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "IpAddress" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default", "State" integer NOT NULL, "DoorColumns" bytea, "ConnectionStatus" integer NOT NULL, "LastConnected" timestamp without time zone, "LastReportId" integer, "LongOpenedDoors" bit varying, "Created" timestamp without time zone, "Updated" timestamp without time zone, CONSTRAINT "PK_Lockers" PRIMARY KEY ("Id") ) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "IX_Lockers_Uuid" ON public."Lockers" USING btree ("Uuid" COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST) TABLESPACE pg_default; and a function like this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.findorcreatelocker( lockeruuid text, ipaddress text) RETURNS TABLE("Id" integer, "Created" timestamp without time zone, "Uuid" text, "State" integer, "ConnectionStatus" integer, "LastConnected" timestamp without time zone, "DoorColumns" bytea, "IpAddress" text, "LastReportCreated" timestamp without time zone) LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE PARALLEL UNSAFE ROWS 1000 AS $BODY$ declare updated numeric; current timestamp; begin current := timezone('utc', now()); update "Lockers" set "ConnectionStatus" = 0/*connected*/, "LastConnected" = current, "IpAddress" = COALESCE(ipAddress, "Lockers"."IpAddress"), "Updated" = current where "Lockers"."Uuid" = lockerUuid; GET DIAGNOSTICS updated = ROW_COUNT; IF (updated = 0) then INSERT INTO "Lockers" ("Uuid", "IpAddress", "State", "DoorColumns", "ConnectionStatus", "LastConnected", "LastReportId", "LongOpenedDoors", "Created", "Updated") VALUES (lockerUuid, ipAddress, 0/*new*/, null, 0/*connected*/, current, null, null, current, current) ON CONFLICT ("Uuid") DO NOTHING; end if; return Query ( SELECT "Lockers"."Id", "Lockers"."Created", "Lockers"."Uuid", "Lockers"."State", "Lockers"."ConnectionStatus", "Lockers"."LastConnected", "Lockers"."DoorColumns", "Lockers"."IpAddress", "LockerReports"."Created" as "LastReportCreated" FROM "Lockers" LEFT JOIN "LockerReports" ON "LockerReports"."Id" = "Lockers"."LastReportId" WHERE "Lockers"."Uuid" = lockerUuid); end; $BODY$; How the (censored) am I supposed to write the ON CONFLICT () clause so that it works? Like this it reports: ERROR: column reference "Uuid" is ambiguous LINE 3: ON CONFLICT ("Uuid") ^ DETAIL: It could refer to either a PL/pgSQL variable or a table column. THERE IS NO (CENSORED) VARIABLE "Uuid"! If I drop the quotes and use just ON CONFLICT (Uuid) I get ERROR: column "uuid" does not exist LINE 3: ON CONFLICT (Uuid) ^ HINT: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "Lockers.Uuid". Yes, thank you, that's exactly what I meant. That's what I wrote too, you (censored). I didn't write uuid, I wrote Uuid, you imbecile! If I try to include the table name as ON CONFLICT (Lockers.Uuid) or ON CONFLICT ("Lockers"."Uuid"), I get a syntax error. If I specify it as ON CONFLICT ("Lockers.Uuid") I get quite understandably ERROR: column "Lockers.Uuid" does not exist LINE 3: ON CONFLICT ("Lockers.Uuid") So pretty please with a cherry on top, how do I explain to postgres 13.4, that yes indeed by "Uuid" I mean the stinking column "Uuid". Jenda =========== Jenda@xxxxxxxxxxx == ========== There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere. It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain I can't find it. --- me