Hi Gavin – thanks I hadn’t realized that about psychopg. I’m on the earlier version, so I can’t use what you recommended at this point. But I did use copy_expert. Interestingly enough the performance of the copy statement is only slightly better than the insert, as I was running inserts with 5000 values clauses. In the end, the current config couldn’t keep up with the WAL creation, so I turned all
that off. But still no perf gains. I also turned off fsync and set the kernel settings to 10% and 98% for dirty pages… I wonder if there’s a better load product than COPY???? But I’d still like to know what separates COPY from bulk inserts… pf From: Gavin Roy <gavinr@xxxxxxxxxx>
On Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 2:15 PM Godfrin, Philippe E <Philippe.Godfrin@xxxxxxx> wrote:
On the Python client side, if you're using psycopg, you should consider using using COPY instead of INSERT if you're not: And if using psycopg2, execute_batch might be of value: Regards, Gavin |