On 2021-Nov-28, Shaozhong SHI wrote: > this is supposed to find those to have 2 words and more. > > select name FROM a_table where "STREET_NAME" ~ '^[[:alpha:]+ ]+[:alpha:]+$'; > > But, it finds only one word as well. How about something like this? '^([[:<:]][[:alpha:]]+[[:>:]]( |$)){2}$' You have: - the ^ is a constraint that matches start of string - you have a ( ... ){2}$ construct which means "match exactly twice" and then match end-of-string - Inside the parens of that construct, you match: - [[:<:]] which means start-of-word - [[:alpha:]]+ which means "a non-empty set of alphabetical chars" - [[:>:]] which means end-of-word - ( |$) for "either a space or end-of-string" You can perhaps simplify by removing the [[:<:]] and [[:>:]] constraints, so '^([[:alpha:]]+( |$)){2}$' To mean "between two and four", change the {2} to {2,4}. If you want "two or more", try {2,}. You could change the ( |$) to ([[:white:]]+|$) in order to accept more than one space between words, or combinations of space and tabs and newlines and so on. With a decent set of data, you could probably notice some other problems in this regexp, but at least it should be a decent start. > It appears that regex is not robust. Nah. -- Álvaro Herrera 39°49'30"S 73°17'W — https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/