Anything interesting in the Postgres server log when this happens?
On Fri, Oct 15, 2021, 05:21 Nick Renders <postgres@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have been trying to import a Postgres 11 database into Postgres 14,
but the pg_restore command exits with the following message:
pg_restore: error: could not write to the communication channel: Broken
The command I sent looks like this:
/Library/PostgreSQL/14/bin/pg_restore -h localhost -p 48100 -U postgres
-w -C -d template1 -j 24 -Fd /Volumes/Migration/dbname --verbose
It seems that the multiple jobs parameter is the cause. If I specify "-j
1", the command works without problems. If I specify "-j 2" or higher, I
get the above error after a few seconds.
Postgres is running on a Mac Pro 12-core machine, so it has plenty of
resources at its disposal. The config file is a copy of the Postgres 11
configuration, which has no problem with multiple jobs.
Furthermore, the pg_dump command seems to have the same issue as well.
The following command:
/Library/PostgreSQL/14/bin/pg_dump -h localhost -p 48100 -U postgres -w
ServicePGR_UTF8 -j 24 -Fd -f /Volumes/Migration/dbname --verbose
will stop prematurely with the following error:
pg_dump: error: could not write to the communication channel: Broken
Does this sound familiar to anyone? Is it an issue with the new Postgres
14 release, or is there something else that might be causing this?
Best regards,
Nick Renders