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Re: Misplaced double quotes in error message

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On 10/6/21 11:17 PM, Thomas Kellerer wrote:

consider the following table, query and error message:

     create table t
       "someColumn" int

     select t.someColumn
     from t;

     ERROR: column t.somecolumn does not exist
       Hint: Perhaps you meant to reference the column "t.someColumn".

For someone proficient in SQL it's pretty clear what the error message means,
but the quotes can be misleading for someone who doesn't really understand
what's going on.
FYI, errors are generically double quoted:

ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type integer: "one"

This is not specific to identifier quoting.

I think if the error message quoted the column name the way it should actually
be used, it would make things easier for someone not used to this, e.g.:

       Hint: Perhaps you meant to reference the column t."someColumn".

Because when the user takes the error message literally they might be tempted
to use "t.someColumn" just to be confronted with the same error message again
which then seems even more confusing.

Adrian Klaver

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