- and the data table definition:
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | bigint | | not null | nextval('data_id_seq'::regclass)
datetime | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
freq_max1 | double precision | | |
freq_max5 | double precision | | |
freq_max10 | double precision | | |
freq_max20 | double precision | | |
freq_max30 | double precision | | |
freq_max40 | double precision | | |
freq_max50 | double precision | | |
freq_max100 | double precision | | |
sd_freq_max5 | double precision | | |
sd_freq_max10 | double precision | | |
sd_freq_max20 | double precision | | |
sd_freq_max30 | double precision | | |
sd_freq_max40 | double precision | | |
sd_freq_max50 | double precision | | |
sd_freq_max100 | double precision | | |
ssa_max1 | double precision | | |
ssa_max5 | double precision | | |
ssa_max10 | double precision | | |
ssa_max20 | double precision | | |
ssa_max30 | double precision | | |
ssa_max40 | double precision | | |
ssa_max50 | double precision | | |
ssa_max100 | double precision | | |
sd_ssa_max5 | double precision | | |
sd_ssa_max10 | double precision | | |
sd_ssa_max20 | double precision | | |
sd_ssa_max30 | double precision | | |
sd_ssa_max40 | double precision | | |
sd_ssa_max50 | double precision | | |
sd_ssa_max100 | double precision | | |
station | smallint | | not null |
channel | character varying(6) | | not null |
epoch | integer | | |
rsam | double precision | | |
sd_rsam | double precision | | |
"data_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
"date_station_channel_idx" UNIQUE, btree (datetime, station, channel)
"station_channel_epoch_idx" UNIQUE, btree (station, channel, epoch)
"data_station_channel_idx" btree (station, channel)
"station_data_idx" btree (station)
"station_date_idx" btree (station, datetime)
Foreign-key constraints:
"data_station_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (station) REFERENCES stations(id)
update_epoch BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF datetime ON data FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION store_epoch()