Heh, I honestly forgot about the recursive CTE. Certainly worth a try and wouldn't require installing other extensions.
This is what depesz is referring to: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Loose_indexscan
On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 3:04 AM hubert depesz lubaczewski <depesz@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 12:05:22PM -0800, Israel Brewster wrote:
> I was wondering if there was any way to improve the performance of this query:
> SELECT station,array_agg(distinct(channel)) as channels FROM data GROUP BY station;
> The explain execution plan can be found here:
> https://explain.depesz.com/s/mtxB#html <https://explain.depesz.com/s/mtxB#html>
> and it looks pretty straight forward. It does an index_only scan, followed by an aggregate, to produce a result that is a list of stations along with a list of channels associated with each (there can be anywhere from 1 to 3 channels associated with each station). This query takes around 5 minutes to run.
> To work around the issue, I created a materialized view that I can update periodically, and of course I can query said view in no time flat. However, I’m concerned that as the dataset grows, the time it takes to refresh the view will also grow (correct me if I am wrong there).
> This is running PostgreSQL 13, and the index referenced is a two-column index on data(station, channel)
It looks that there is ~ 170 stations, and ~ 800 million rows int he
can you tell us how many rows has this:
select distinct station, channel from data;
If this is not huge, then you can make the query run much faster using
skip scan - recursive cte.
Best regards,