Hi all, I have a rather contrived example, but I just can't get this to work. A fiddle with all my code is available here: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=postgres_12&fiddle=9a89ea79ffc617a11c36d63123d2f987 CREATE TABLE t1 ( user_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, activity_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, sort_order SMALLINT NULL, CONSTRAINT t1_uid_aid_uq UNIQUE (user_id, activity_id) ); Populate: INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (101, 123), (101, 124), (101, 125), (102, 123), (102, 124); Now, I want to update the sort_order column as follows: -- -- DESIRED RESULT -- -- 101, 123, 0 -- 101, 124, 1 -- 101, 125, 2 -- 102, 123, 0 -- 102, 124, 1 -- So, as you can see, I want to update the sort_order column, starting from 0 So, I tried this, UPDATE t1 SET sort_order = activity_id - FIRST_VALUE(activity_id) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY user_id, activity_id); and this gives ERROR: window functions are not allowed in UPDATE LINE 2: SET sort_order = activity_id - FIRST_VALUE(activity_id) Why are window functions now allowed in UPDATEs - would be very handy to have? I also tried putting it into a computed/generated column, but got this error (see fiddle) ERROR: window functions are not allowed in column generation expressions LINE 8: activity_id - FIRST_VALUE(activity_id) Why aren't window functions allowed in GENERATED columns? Seems that it would be pretty useful functionality to me and would be a trivial solution for this issue? Got it to work using a CTE as follows. WITH cte AS ( SELECT user_id, activity_id, activity_id - FIRST_VALUE(activity_id) OVER (PARTITION BY user_id ORDER BY user_id, activity_id) AS so FROM t1 ) UPDATE t1 SET sort_order = cte.so FROM cte WHERE t1.user_id = cte.user_id AND t1.activity_id = cte.activity_id; So, that's all well and good! But what happens when I want to add records and keep the sort_order in sync with my user_id and activity_id? So, I'm trying triggers. I run INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (102, 125); and am desperately trying to get a trigger to suitably update my sort_order field. I've tried various solutions - using INSERT/UPDATE and BEFORE/AFTER INSERT - can't seem to get anything to work. I think that my underlying understanding of triggers is flawed, so I wonder if anybody could be so kind as to explain to me where I'm going wrong. Sample (failing) trigger (see fiddle). CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_t1_sort_order() RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE PLPGSQL AS $$ BEGIN WITH cte AS ( SELECT NEW.user_id, NEW.activity_id, NEW.activity_id - FIRST_VALUE(NEW.activity_id) OVER (PARTITION BY NEW.user_id ORDER BY NEW.user_id, NEW.activity_id) AS so ) INSERT INTO t1 (user_id, activity_id, sort_order) VALUES (NEW.user_id, NEW.activity_id, (SELECT so FROM cte)); RETURN NEW; END; $$ -- see fiddle... CREATE TRIGGER sort_order_tr BEFORE INSERT -- tried AFTER INSERT and various combinations of UPDATE also... nada! ON t1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_t1_sort_order(); Either I go into an infinite loop or I make all my sort_orders 0 or NULL or (best result) ther others untouched and my insert sort_order = 0, I leave the others alone but the newly inserted value has a sort order of 0. As I said, the example is contrived - basically, I'd like to learn more about triggers and the logic that makes them "tick". If triggers aren't the ideal solution, I'm open to other avenues, but would like to understand where I'm going wrong! TIA and rgs, Pól...