Hi Michael,
Yes I have a btree index on the modified_date column currently.
SELECT * FROM partitioned_table where
A ='Value'
AND created_date >= '2021-03-01 08:16:13.589' and created_date <= '2021-04-02 08:16:13.589' ORDER BY viewpriority desc OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 200 ROWS ONLY;
A ='Value'
AND created_date >= '2021-03-01 08:16:13.589' and created_date <= '2021-04-02 08:16:13.589' ORDER BY viewpriority desc OFFSET 0 ROWS FETCH NEXT 200 ROWS ONLY;
Here viewpriority is basically a long value containing created_date in milliseconds.
Issue here is : I want to somehow include modified_date also in this query to get the records sorted by modified_date . But that sorting will happen only in the specified created_date range only. I want those latest modified records also whose created_date might not lie in this range.
On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 1:22 AM Michael Lewis <mlewis@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do you have an index on the "updated_at" field and found that the query is too slow? Do you have an example query?