Dear community.
I would like to ask a question regarding the below error occurred when using psql client.
My environment is postgresql 12.3 docker container.
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
It seems that this is caused by unused psql client sessions. Which was caused by closing the terminal without exiting the psql session correctly.
postgres=# select usename,state,client_port from pg_stat_activity;
usename | state | client_port
| |
postgres | |
catseye | idle | -1
catseye | idle | 36718
catseye | idle | -1
catseye | idle | 52960
catseye | idle | 40854
I would like to ask a question regarding the below error occurred when using psql client.
My environment is postgresql 12.3 docker container.
psql: error: could not connect to server: FATAL remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections
It seems that this is caused by unused psql client sessions. Which was caused by closing the terminal without exiting the psql session correctly.
postgres=# select usename,state,client_port from pg_stat_activity;
usename | state | client_port
| |
postgres | |
catseye | idle | -1
catseye | idle | 36718
catseye | idle | -1
catseye | idle | 52960
catseye | idle | 40854
I have tried setting
idle_in_transaction_session_timeout , however, this does not delete idle sessions.
Would there be any expiry settings to delete client idle sessions automatically ?
Would there be any expiry settings to delete client idle sessions automatically ?
My apology if this question was asked before but I appreciate it if someone gives me advice.
Best Regards,
Yu Watanabe
Best Regards,
Yu Watanabe