On 6/6/21 10:50 AM, Vijaykumar Jain wrote:
Please reply to list also.
Ccing list
Also please use inline or bottom posting, it makes things easier to follow.
Yeah I am aware of that :)
I was referring to if the main config is managed via some config
management tool like puppet, ansible or anything else that would wipe
the changes made temporarily.
Which 'includes' could handle depending on what the config management
tool is using as the starting main config(postgresql.conf I presume). If
that file is seeded with an include, or better yet include_if_exists,
that point at files outside PG_DATA then you would have the ability to
override settings at will with a reload/restart.
If the above does not cover your use case you will need to provide a
more detailed description of how your configuration management is done.
On Sun, Jun 6, 2021, 10:45 PM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
On 6/6/21 10:02 AM, Vijaykumar Jain wrote:
> Yes, I learnt it the hard way as well :) I made changes via the
> system, and did a pg_restore, and the changes were lost :)
> use the alter system for ad hoc changes, but make sure those
changes are
> added back to the postgresql.conf file immediately (or however
the main
> conf file is managed).
I would suggest taking a look at 'includes':
> On Sun, 6 Jun 2021 at 22:17, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>> wrote:
> RAJAMOHAN <garajamohan@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:garajamohan@xxxxxxxxx> <mailto:garajamohan@xxxxxxxxx
<mailto:garajamohan@xxxxxxxxx>>> writes:
> > I am trying to keep a symbolic link for the
> *postgresql.auto.conf* outside
> > the data directory. The link gets created but whenever I
issue an
> alter
> > system statement it gets broken.
> This is not supported. Don't do it.
> The right way to keep the hand-maintained config files
outside the
> data directory is not the way you've done it here, either.
It might
> accidentally work, but the preferred way is to put
"data_directory =
> whatever" in postgresql.conf and then start the postmaster
with -D
> pointing at where the config files are.
> But in any case, postgresql.auto.conf is not hand-maintained; it
> is part of the cluster data, so it belongs in the data directory.
> regards, tom lane
> --
> Thanks,
> Vijay
> Mumbai, India
Adrian Klaver
adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Adrian Klaver