Hi, Please tell me about character code conversion. I am currently using Postgres 13.3. I would like to set my own character code conversion as DEFAULT CONVERSION. Since there is a CONVERSION provided by Postgres by default, the following error will occur when executing CREATE CONVERSION. ----------------------------- postgres=# CREATE DEFAULT CONVERSION pg_catalog.myconv_sjis_to_utf8 FOR 'SJIS' TO 'UTF8' FROM myconv_sjis_to_utf8; ERROR: default conversion for SJIS to UTF8 already exists postgres=# ----------------------------- As a method to change the conversion provided by default, execute the following SQL statement and after executing CREATE CONVERSION I am trying to update the system catalog with an UPDATE statement. Is there any problem with this method? ----------------------------- CREATE CONVERSION pg_catalog.myconv_sjis_to_utf8 FOR 'SJIS' TO 'UTF8' FROM myconv_sjis_to_utf8; UPDATE pg_conversion SET condefault='f' WHERE conname='sjis_to_utf8'; UPDATE pg_conversion SET condefault='t' WHERE conname='myconv_sjis_to_utf8'; ----------------------------- Thanks Ai