On 5/11/21 9:54 AM, Christopher Sumner wrote:
I'm using PostgreSQL v. 10.14 via AWS Aurora Serverless. Our users
recently noticed gaps in the primary ids for many of our tables. As I
understand it, this is due to PostgreSQL effectively caching 32
additional sequence values (hardcoded in sequence.c ) and a 'restart'
occurs. Losing a few sequence values is normal and generally
acceptable. However, this problem seems to be exacerbated by the
scaling events of Aurora Serverless as they require restarts of the
Postgresql service. I do not allow AWS AS to force the scaling in our
environment. When scaling events happen 10's of times per day, the
loss is significant.
Are there any plans to fix this issue or otherwise play nicely with
Aurora Serverless?
I'm curious about the use case which requires the primary key
(arbitrarily assigned by the database engine) to be gaplessly
consecutive through all time.