On 5/6/21 11:37 PM, Atul Kumar wrote:
hi, The data is inserting using some json sript which is working fine in our stating server and inserting complete records. But in production data insertion is slow and after some insertion it just abort somehow. DB logs are given below: #PostGreSQL: idle^^2021-05-06 18:06:09 PDT^^bonzipay^^usmliv1^^^^60949111.16a5^^2021-05-06 18:00:01 PDTLOG: statement: BEGIN #PostGreSQL: idle in transaction^^2021-05-06 18:06:09 PDT^^bonzipay^^usmliv1^^^^60949111.16a5^^2021-05-06 18:00:01 PDTLOG: statement: DEALLOCATE pdo_stmt_000000d6 #PostGreSQL: INSERT^^2021-05-06 18:06:09 PDT^^bonzipay^^usmliv1^^^^60949111.16a5^^2021-05-06 18:00:01 PDTLOG: execute pdo_stmt_000000d7: insert into bonzipay.bp_ach_trans_response (payment_pastransid,payment_status,code,site,accountnumber,amount,bankaccountnumber,accountype,TranId) select payment_pastransid,'SETTLED',code ,site,accountnumber,amount,bankaccountnumber,accountype,TranId from bonzipay.bp_ach_trans where payment_status ='PROCESS' and accountnumber='USR=647376' and bankaccountnumber='3027469304' and amount='6000' and accountype='22' order by 1 desc limit 1 #PostGreSQL: idle in transaction^^2021-05-06 18:06:10 PDT^^bonzipay^^usmliv1^^^^60949111.16a5^^2021-05-06 18:00:01 PDTLOG: statement: COMMIT #PostGreSQL: idle^^2021-05-06 18:06:10 PDT^^bonzipay^^usmliv1^^^^60949111.16a5^^2021-05-06 18:00:01 PDTLOG: statement: BEGIN #PostGreSQL: idle in transaction^^2021-05-06 18:06:10 PDT^^bonzipay^^usmliv1^^^^60949111.16a5^^2021-05-06 18:00:01 PDTLOG: statement: DEALLOCATE pdo_stmt_000000d7 #PostGreSQL: UPDATE^^2021-05-06 18:06:10 PDT^^bonzipay^^usmliv1^^^^60949111.16a5^^2021-05-06 18:00:01 PDTLOG: execute pdo_stmt_000000d8: UPDATE bonzipay.BP_ACH_TRANS SET payment_status='SETTLED' where payment_pastransid= (select payment_pastransid from bonzipay.BP_ACH_TRANS where payment_status ='PROCESS' and accountnumber='USR=647376' and amount='6000'and bankaccountnumber='3027469304' and accountype='22' order by 1 desc limit 1) #PostGreSQL: idle in transaction^^2021-05-06 18:06:12 PDT^^bonzipay^^usmliv1^^^^60949111.16a5^^2021-05-06 18:00:01 PDTLOG: unexpected EOF on client connection with an open transaction
The formatting of the above makes it hard to follow. Also trying to figure out why there are log lines at '2021-05-06 18:00:01' following those at '2021-05-06 18:06:09'. If I am following it looks like a connection is timing out/being disconnected.
Where is the production server located relative to the process running the script, same machine, same local network or a remote network?
Also to be complete what Postgres version(though I suspect 9.5)?
Please suggest the solution to troubleshoot it more. Regards, Atul
-- Adrian Klaver adrian.klaver@xxxxxxxxxxx