Josue, Are you using Postgresql on a Windows Server or on a Linux Server? Margaret Gillon, IS Dept., Chromalloy Los Angeles, ext. 297
Both platforms, I'm developing with VFP for Postgresql 7.4.3 running on RH Linux 8 and also work in another app for Postgresql 8.0 RC4 win32.
I guess your problem has something to do with ODBC settings or something could be wrong on the VFP side, but I'm just guessing.
-- Sinceramente, Josué Maldonado.
"Toda la felicidad que la humanidad puede alcanzar, está, no en el placer, sino en el descanso del dolor." John Dryden. Poeta, dramaturgo y critico inglés.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings