Thank you for taking the time to read this.
As a quick question. Can Postgres make use of indexes on a table when the data from that table is being returned from a procedure?
Some more details. I have a big table which has a long running query running on it. This table gets rebuilt from scratch on a weekly basis. Currently, I cannot update/replace the table in a timely manner, I have to wait for the long running queries to finish before we can update the table (the total time can be 5+ hours).
I am currently trying to build a procedure which will return data from the latest version of the table (by dynamically choosing the table name, something like
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35559093/how-to-use-variable-as-table-name-in-plpgsql) . To get a consistent return type I am having to use the `create type` to build a custom return type. The problem (I think) I am having is that the indexes on the underlying tables are not usable after calling this procedure
select *
from example_table as et
join example_procedure() as ep on et.exapmle_column = ep.example_column
there will be no index on the column ep.example_column)
Is there a way to make sure indexes are used even if the data is accessed threw a procdure?
Thank you
while (e) { kyoatie(); }