On 3/24/21 1:17 PM, Carlos Montenegro wrote:
Yes Ray,
I followed those instructions, but it seems the repository location
changed. It is not available, but thank you so much for your support.
It worked for me using the instructions listed here(per Ray's post):
On Wed, Mar 24, 2021 at 1:55 PM Ray O'Donnell <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
On 24/03/2021 19:08, Carlos Montenegro wrote:
> Hello dear Ray.
> Thanks for your answer.
> Yes, I see pgadmin4 and then tried, but any success.
> How did you make the installation? Any advice?
Hi Carlos,
I had forgotten - pgAdmin has its own apt repository, which you need
to add:
Once you've done that, then "apt update" and "apt install..." should do
the job.
I hope this helps.
Raymond O'Donnell // Galway // Ireland
ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Adrian Klaver