Hi Pavel,
trying to follow your advice "You should check so all foreign keys have an index" I look at the table where I want to delete older records:
trying to follow your advice "You should check so all foreign keys have an index" I look at the table where I want to delete older records:
# \d words_games
Table "public.words_games"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
gid | integer | | not null | nextval('words_games_gid_seq'::regclass)
created | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
finished | timestamp with time zone | | |
player1 | integer | | not null |
player2 | integer | | |
played1 | timestamp with time zone | | |
played2 | timestamp with time zone | | |
state1 | text | | |
state2 | text | | |
reason | text | | |
hint1 | text | | |
hint2 | text | | |
score1 | integer | | not null |
score2 | integer | | not null |
chat1 | integer | | not null |
chat2 | integer | | not null |
hand1 | character(1)[] | | not null |
hand2 | character(1)[] | | not null |
pile | character(1)[] | | not null |
letters | character(1)[] | | not null |
values | integer[] | | not null |
bid | integer | | not null |
diff1 | integer | | |
diff2 | integer | | |
open1 | boolean | | not null | false
open2 | boolean | | not null | false
"words_games_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid)
"words_games_created_idx" btree (created)
"words_games_player1_coalesce_idx" btree (player1, COALESCE(finished, 'infinity'::timestamp with time zone))
"words_games_player2_coalesce_idx" btree (player2, COALESCE(finished, 'infinity'::timestamp with time zone))
Check constraints:
"words_games_chat1_check" CHECK (chat1 >= 0)
"words_games_chat2_check" CHECK (chat2 >= 0)
"words_games_check" CHECK (player1 <> player2)
"words_games_score1_check" CHECK (score1 >= 0)
"words_games_score2_check" CHECK (score2 >= 0)
Foreign-key constraints:
"words_games_bid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (bid) REFERENCES words_boards(bid) ON DELETE CASCADE
"words_games_player1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (player1) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
"words_games_player2_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (player2) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
Referenced by:
TABLE "words_chat" CONSTRAINT "words_chat_gid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gid) REFERENCES words_games(gid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_moves" CONSTRAINT "words_moves_gid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gid) REFERENCES words_games(gid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_scores" CONSTRAINT "words_scores_gid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gid) REFERENCES words_games(gid) ON DELETE CASCADE
You are probably talking about the section:
Foreign-key constraints:
"words_games_bid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (bid) REFERENCES words_boards(bid) ON DELETE CASCADE
"words_games_player1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (player1) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
"words_games_player2_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (player2) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
The first table words_boards only has 4 records, so I ignore it.
The first table words_boards only has 4 records, so I ignore it.
The second table words_users already has an index on the uid, because that column is the primary key:
# \d words_users
# \d words_users
Table "public.words_users"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
uid | integer | | not null | nextval('words_users_uid_seq'::regclass)
created | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
visited | timestamp with time zone | | not null |
ip | inet | | not null |
fcm | text | | |
apns | text | | |
adm | text | | |
motto | text | | |
vip_until | timestamp with time zone | | |
grand_until | timestamp with time zone | | |
elo | integer | | not null |
medals | integer | | not null |
coins | integer | | not null |
avg_score | double precision | | |
avg_time | interval | | |
hms | text | | |
removed | boolean | | not null | false
muted | boolean | | not null | false
"words_users_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (uid)
Check constraints:
"words_users_elo_check" CHECK (elo >= 0)
"words_users_medals_check" CHECK (medals >= 0)
Referenced by:
TABLE "words_chat" CONSTRAINT "words_chat_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_games" CONSTRAINT "words_games_player1_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (player1) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_games" CONSTRAINT "words_games_player2_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (player2) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_moves" CONSTRAINT "words_moves_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_puzzles" CONSTRAINT "words_puzzles_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_reviews" CONSTRAINT "words_reviews_author_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (author) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_reviews" CONSTRAINT "words_reviews_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_scores" CONSTRAINT "words_scores_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_social" CONSTRAINT "words_social_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
TABLE "words_stats" CONSTRAINT "words_stats_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADE
Or do I misunderstand something?
If someone would be interested to take a look at the real database, I would anonymize it and provide download
1 477 210 374 Feb 25 12:04 words_ru-Feb.sql.gz
However I understand that this is a lot to ask and am already thankful for any input :-)