On 2/15/21 9:55 AM, Marc Millas wrote:
Hi Tom,
I do read the doc, and understand the caching behaviour of plpgsql.
This is not about plpgsql caching. It is about EXECUTE in plpgsql
meaning something different then the PREPARE/EXECUTE combination in SQL.
You are trying to run EXECUTE moninsert(randname()) in plpgsql where
moninsert was a PREPARE statement. In plpgsql EXECUTE is something
different so it does not recognize moninsert(randname()) as a prepared
statement and fails.
if in psql I write begin;execute moninsert(randname()); execute
it does work. And if I put this (begin execute end) inside a do loop it
doesnt anymore.
ok the begin execute end is ""pure"" SQL, and the same thing within a do
loop is plpgsql
postgres=# create function testexec()returns void as $$
postgres$# execute moninsert(randname());
postgres$# end;
postgres$# $$ language plpgsql;
ERREUR: erreur de syntaxe sur ou près de « execute »
LIGNE 2 : execute moninsert(randname());
fine, quite coherent.
Adrian Klaver