I realise this is probably an edge case, but would appreciate some advice or suggestions.
I have a table that has rows to be processed:
postgres=# create table lock_test (id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid(), lock_id bigint);
postgres=# insert into lock_test (lock_id) values (10),(10),(20),(30),(30),(30);
postgres=# insert into lock_test (lock_id) values (10),(10),(20),(30),(30),(30);
postgres=#* select * from lock_test;
id | lock_id
326a2d34-ecec-4c01-94bb-40f43f244d40 | 10
8ed1d680-6304-4fb2-a47c-9427c6d48622 | 10
04482ba1-7193-4e7f-a507-71fe6a351781 | 20
34003468-e959-4c7b-a48c-97195c43982e | 30
2d20394b-c79b-4867-8d0a-72044c370543 | 30
bef7b880-e7a0-4c07-8eab-182c9c1bd33a | 30
(6 rows)
326a2d34-ecec-4c01-94bb-40f43f244d40 | 10
8ed1d680-6304-4fb2-a47c-9427c6d48622 | 10
04482ba1-7193-4e7f-a507-71fe6a351781 | 20
34003468-e959-4c7b-a48c-97195c43982e | 30
2d20394b-c79b-4867-8d0a-72044c370543 | 30
bef7b880-e7a0-4c07-8eab-182c9c1bd33a | 30
(6 rows)
My business rule says I need to process rows by lock_id in descending order of the number of rows. In my test data, that would mean rows with a lock_id of 30 would be processed first.
If another 'processor' wakes up while lock_id 30 is being processed, it moves on to lock_id 10, etc.
My pre-12 solution was a view something like this:
postgres=# create or replace view lock_test_v
with g as (
select lock_id, count(*) as n_rows
from lock_test
group by lock_id
order by n_rows desc
), l as (
select lock_id
from g
where pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(lock_id)
limit 1)
select t.*
from lock_test as t
join l on t.lock_id = l.lock_id
This works fine, and only creates one advisory lock (or zero) when querying the view:
postgres=# begin;
postgres=#* select classid, objid from pg_locks where locktype = 'advisory' and pid = pg_backend_pid();
classid | objid
(0 rows)
postgres=#* select * from lock_test_v;
id | lock_id
34003468-e959-4c7b-a48c-97195c43982e | 30
2d20394b-c79b-4867-8d0a-72044c370543 | 30
bef7b880-e7a0-4c07-8eab-182c9c1bd33a | 30
(3 rows)
postgres=#* select classid, objid from pg_locks where locktype = 'advisory' and pid = pg_backend_pid();
classid | objid
0 | 30
(1 row)
postgres=#* select classid, objid from pg_locks where locktype = 'advisory' and pid = pg_backend_pid();
classid | objid
(0 rows)
postgres=#* select * from lock_test_v;
id | lock_id
34003468-e959-4c7b-a48c-97195c43982e | 30
2d20394b-c79b-4867-8d0a-72044c370543 | 30
bef7b880-e7a0-4c07-8eab-182c9c1bd33a | 30
(3 rows)
postgres=#* select classid, objid from pg_locks where locktype = 'advisory' and pid = pg_backend_pid();
classid | objid
0 | 30
(1 row)
However in 12, the same view returns the same data, but generates multiple advisory locks:
sns_publisher=# begin;
sns_publisher=#* select version();
PostgreSQL 12.5 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 10.2.1_pre1) 10.2.1 20201203, 64-bit
(1 row)
sns_publisher=#* select classid, objid from pg_locks where locktype = 'advisory' and pid = pg_backend_pid();
classid | objid
(0 rows)
sns_publisher=#* select * from lock_test_v;
id | lock_id
1a9f3f77-fcdc-4779-8fd9-30f274825e15 | 30
ac670997-9c23-44da-8eb8-e055f02a5f19 | 30
b5f939ac-7c7d-4975-811a-9af26aaa3a31 | 30
(3 rows)
sns_publisher=#* select classid, objid from pg_locks where locktype = 'advisory' and pid = pg_backend_pid();
classid | objid
0 | 20
0 | 30
0 | 10
(3 rows)
sns_publisher=#* select version();
PostgreSQL 12.5 on x86_64-pc-linux-musl, compiled by gcc (Alpine 10.2.1_pre1) 10.2.1 20201203, 64-bit
(1 row)
sns_publisher=#* select classid, objid from pg_locks where locktype = 'advisory' and pid = pg_backend_pid();
classid | objid
(0 rows)
sns_publisher=#* select * from lock_test_v;
id | lock_id
1a9f3f77-fcdc-4779-8fd9-30f274825e15 | 30
ac670997-9c23-44da-8eb8-e055f02a5f19 | 30
b5f939ac-7c7d-4975-811a-9af26aaa3a31 | 30
(3 rows)
sns_publisher=#* select classid, objid from pg_locks where locktype = 'advisory' and pid = pg_backend_pid();
classid | objid
0 | 20
0 | 30
0 | 10
(3 rows)
If I use 'as materialized' for my 'g' cte, I get the same outcome as with pre-12 versions.
My 'dilemma' is that this functionality is packaged and the database it is bundled into could be running on a pre-12 version or 12+. Is there any way I can rewrite my view to achieve the same outcome (i.e. only creating 0 or 1 advisory locks) regardless of the server version? I realise I could have two installation scripts but if it is installed into a pre-12 DB and that DB is subsequently upgraded to 12+, my behaviour is broken.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.