On Fri, 2021-01-29 at 15:44 +0000, Zwettler Markus (OIZ) wrote: > I run "vacuumlo" in batches (-l) which worked well. > > I found table "pg_catalog.pg_largeobjects" to be massively bloated afterwards. Sure, that deletes entries from that table. > I tried "vacuum full pg_catalog.pg_largeobjects" but run out of diskspace (although having 250G diskspace free; database size = 400G). > > Question: > Will "vacuum full pg_catalog.pg_largeobjects" need less diskspace when "maintenance_work_mem" is increased? No, it won't. It will just be faster. That sounds like your database consists almost exclusively of large objects... Yours, Laurenz Albe -- Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com