Hello again Postgres friends, Customer is unable to log in to a PG database on 5432 using a Windows client. Output of my test sessions below, I think the problem may be lines 3 - 7 but no idea. Ideas greatly appreciated! Lines 1,2 PG Log entries Lines 3-7 pg_hba.conf entries Lines 8-10 postgresql.conf entries Lines 11-12 Logging into the postgresql machine from a Linux machine Lines 13-15 Successfully logged in, testing that SSH to the linuxserver is successful Lines 16-20 pguser successfully executes a query 1. LOG: connection received: host=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd port=52310 2. 2021-01-21 15:34:00.657 MST [12011] FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd", user "pguser", database "testpgdb", SSL off 3. # IPv4 local connections: 4. # host all all ident 5. host pguser all eee.fff.ggg.1/24 password 6. host pguser all hhh.jjj.kkk.1/24 password 7. host pguser all password 8. #listen_addresses = 'localhost' 9. listen_addresses = '*' 10. #port = 5432 11. pguser@linuxserver:~$ ssh -q pguser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 12. pguser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's password: 13. [pguser@pgserver ~]$ psql -U pguser -W testpgdb 14. pguser=> \conninfo 15. You are connected to database "testpgdb" as user "pguser" via socket in "/var/run/postgresql" at port "5432". 16. pguser=> select 5.0/99; 17. ?column? 18. ------------------------ 19. 0.05050505050505050505 20. (1 row)