Adam Tauno Williams schrieb am 05.01.2021 um 16:46:
I'm using the crosstab feature and do not understand why I am only getting values in the first column. The query: SELECT date_trunc('month', t2.value_date) AS invoice_date, t1.value_string AS invoice_type COUNT(*) FROM document d LEFT OUTER JOIN obj_property t1 ON (t1.obj_id = d.document_id AND t1.namespace_prefix = '' AND t1.value_key = 'invoiceType') LEFT OUTER JOIN obj_property t2 ON (t2.obj_id = d.document_id AND t2.namespace_prefix = '' AND t2.value_key = 'invoiceDate') WHERE ((d.project_id = 1134510213) AND (d.is_folder = 0)) GROUP BY 1,2 - has results like - invoice_date invoice_type count ------------ ------------ ----- 2013-02 service 3454 2013-03 service 3512 2013-03 parts 5366 2013-04 parts 5657 2013-04 service 4612 2013-05 service 4946 2013-05 parts 5508 ... So I put this in as a crosstab:
I find using filtered aggregation to be way easier and more flexible than using crosstab(): SELECT date_trunc('month', t2.value_date) AS invoice_date, count(*) filter (where value_string = 'rental') as rental, count(*) filter (where value_string = 'sales') as sales, count(*) filter (where value_string = 'service') as service FROM document d LEFT OUTER JOIN obj_property t1 ON (t1.obj_id = d.document_id AND t1.namespace_prefix = '' AND t1.value_key = 'invoiceType') LEFT OUTER JOIN obj_property t2 ON (t2.obj_id = d.document_id AND t2.namespace_prefix = '' AND t2.value_key = 'invoiceDate') WHERE ((d.project_id = 1134510213) AND (d.is_folder = 0)) GROUP BY 1 Thomas