Can't you just use table aliases? So, the outer word_moves would become 'word_moves as wm', word_puzzles would become 'word_puzzles as wp', and the where clause 'WHERE wp.mid = wm.mid' ?
On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 4:08 AM Alexander Farber <alexander.farber@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Good evening,in PostgreSQL 13.1 I save player moves in the table:# \d words_movesTable "public.words_moves"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default---------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+------------------------------------------mid | bigint | | not null | nextval('words_moves_mid_seq'::regclass)action | text | | not null |gid | integer | | not null |uid | integer | | not null |played | timestamp with time zone | | not null |tiles | jsonb | | |score | integer | | |str | text | | |hand | text | | |letters | character(1)[] | | |values | integer[] | | |Indexes:"words_moves_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (mid)"words_moves_gid_played_idx" btree (gid, played DESC)"words_moves_puzzle_idx" btree (puzzle)"words_moves_uid_action_played_idx" btree (uid, action, played)"words_moves_uid_idx" btree (uid)Check constraints:"words_moves_score_check" CHECK (score >= 0)Foreign-key constraints:"words_moves_gid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (gid) REFERENCES words_games(gid) ON DELETE CASCADE"words_moves_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADEReferenced by:TABLE "words_puzzles" CONSTRAINT "words_puzzles_mid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (mid) REFERENCES words_moves(mid) ON DELETE CASCADETABLE "words_scores" CONSTRAINT "words_scores_mid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (mid) REFERENCES words_moves(mid) ON DELETE CASCADESome of the moves can be "interesting" in the sense that the player have used all 7 letter tiles or achieved a high score over 90 points,I want to display those moves as "puzzles" and have prepared a table to store, per-user, who has solved them:# \d words_puzzlesTable "public.words_puzzles"Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default--------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------mid | bigint | | not null |uid | integer | | not null |solved | timestamp with time zone | | not null |Foreign-key constraints:"words_puzzles_mid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (mid) REFERENCES words_moves(mid) ON DELETE CASCADE"words_puzzles_uid_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES words_users(uid) ON DELETE CASCADENow I am trying to create a custom stored function which would return just one mid (move id) which is not too new (1 year old) and the user has not tackled it yet:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION words_daily_puzzle(in_uid int) RETURNS table (out_mid bigint,out_secret text) AS$func$SELECTmid,MD5(mid ||'my little secret')FROM words_movesWHERE action = "">AND (LENGTH(str) = 7 OR score > 90)AND played BETWEEN CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '51 week' AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '50 week'-- the user has not solved this puzzle yetAND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM words_puzzles WHERE mid = the_outer_mid AND uid = in_uid)ORDER BY PLAYED ASCLIMIT 1;$func$ LANGUAGE sql;As you can see I am missing 1 piece - how do I address the outer SELECT mid from the EXISTS-SELECT?I have written "the_outer_mid" there.Should I use LEFT JOIN LATERAL here? I have difficulties wrapping my head around this.TLDR: how to return 1 mid from 1 year ago, which is not solved by the user in_uid yet?Thank youAlex
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