Muthukumar.GK schrieb am 02.12.2020 um 11:20: > I need to call the procedure(not function) and insert the records > into a temporary table from another procedure in postgres. When > executing the procedure 'Sampleproc2',I got some below syntax error. > Kindly let me know whether postgres supports this functionality or > any other way of calling the procedure from another procedure. > CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SampleProc1() > as $$ > declare > c1 refcursor:='result1'; > begin > open c1 for > select approverid,assigntoid,effstdt,effenddtfrom tblApproverreassign; > end; > $$ > language plpgsql; > > INSERT INTO TMPApproverAssign > *CALL SampleProc1(); * You need to make sampleproc1 a set returning _function_, then you can do: INSERT INTO TMPApproverAssign select * from sampleproc1(); Procedures aren't meant to return stuff, that's what functions are for.