Hi David,
Thanks for fast reply!
We had to restart the server to avoid problems with a full queue så process is no longer with us. # select * from pg_notification_queue_usage()
(1 row)
/Mikael Gustavsson
Från: David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@xxxxxxxxx>
Skickat: den 27 november 2020 15:28 Till: Gustavsson Mikael Kopia: pgsql-generallists.postgresql.org; Svensson Peter; Almen Anders Ämne: Re: Problem with pg_notify / listen On Friday, November 27, 2020, Gustavsson Mikael <mikael.gustavsson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
As its easy enough to run can you please confirm this by showing us the pg_stat_activity record for that pid during the time when this warning appears?
David J.