On 11/25/20 8:37 AM, Mats Julian Olsen wrote:
Helle pgsql-general,
We have just set up postgres_fdw between two postgres databases, x and
y, with the plan to periodically insert data from x into y.
We've successfully set up the connection with a few options:
`use_remote_estimate 'true'` and `fetch_size '50000'` (the latter we've
played around with). We've run ANALYZE on the foreign server.
SELECTs against the foreign table returns in milliseconds, however an
INSERT of 100 rows takes 10 seconds. we have roughly 200 000 rows for
the initial sync, which translates into ~6 hours.
Postgres version(s)?
Without the actual query and EXPLAIN ANALYZE on it this will be
difficult to answer with any detail.
Also would be nice to have the table schema.
Is this the expected performance of postgre_fdw? Is there anything we've
overlooked when setting this up? Very curious to hear experiences from
the community when doing read/write and not just read from foreign sources.
Best regards,
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