I have just downloaded the latest version of PostgreSQL (vs.13.1) and when I try to open "pgadmin 4", it doesn't open. It first shows windows wait cursor and then the wait cursor gets lost. Nothing happens.
I also realized that there is no folder created under C:\Program Files. like this >>>"C:\Program Files\pgAdmin 4" I can't find log docs.
I have also tried these methods.
- I have deleted PostgreSQL and re-downloaded it. It didn't make any difference. The same mistake is happening again.
- I have downloaded Java.
- I have looked at "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.css\Content Type" to see if "text/css" is written there. And it was in "text/css" format, so there wasn't any mistake there.
- I deleted "Anaconda" which was downloaded on my computer. I have read that it blocks pgadmin 4 to start.
- I made Chrome my default browser.
- I added in "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.jz" a value name: "Content Type" in "Reg SZ" type and it's data is "text/_javascript_" .Previously there was just "default" value name and it's data was "JSFile" I haven't deleted this yet.
Thank you in advance for your help.