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Re: How to execute the sql file in PSQL

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On 10/5/20 7:55 AM, Mark wrote:

Stackoverflow question link:

I followed one PostgreSQL tutorial step by step. One session to use PSQL to execute sql files to create a new database in PostgreSQL.
 1.   copy  paste the sql file within "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12"
 2.   execute the following code \i  C:\\Program
The message shows C:: Permission denied
then tried  \ir  "C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\12\\demo-big-en-20170815.sql"
The message shows unrecognized win32 error code: 123"C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/12/createdatabasesupertest.sql: Invalid argument
SQL file probably was wrong. SO I tried to create a simple sql file 
(create a new database). Then  I follow the above mentioned step to  
execute the file on windows PSQL.  But  it failed the same way just like 
the above mentioned.
So basically my PSQL can not run script files.  What should i do?
The issue is the user you are running psql as does not have permissions 
to read the file. This is a OS permissions thing. Either run psql as a 
user that can read the file or change the permissions on the file to 
those that allow the psql user to read it.

Adrian Klaver

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