On 09/09/2020 04:59, J . Mageshwaran wrote:
Hi Team, I am performing some benchmark testing with application in aws
east 2 and dB in East 1. I am using pgbench for benchmark, the RTT
Latency between East 1 to east2 is some where between 12 to 16 ms on an
average. Is there any optimization that can be done to reduce the
latency and increase the throughout to the PostgreSQL layer?
Even if network datagrams moved at the speed of light and with no
serialisation/forwarding delay (which they don't), you're still going to
deal with several thousand KMs of distance; I'm positively surprised
you're getting such short round-trip times as it stands.
If you have any control over the application code, IMO your best shot is
to coalesce DB interactions into as few smarter DB queries as you can
for each higher order operation (eg: RESTful API calls), as you'll be
paying for that fixed RTT overhead for each command.
Fabio Ugo Venchiarutti
OSPCFC Network Engineering Dpt.
Ocado Technology
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