čt 27. 8. 2020 v 0:43 odesílatel Eric Zhu <erkangzhu@xxxxxxxxx> napsal:
How do I call a function defined using CREATE FUNCTION in SQL inside a C function in an extension? I feel this should be possible as the query parser is able to resolve the function names and arguments in a raw string query. I want to know if there is a standard way to look up for user-defined functions in the backend.For example, I have a function defined in SQL:```CREATE FUNCTION times_two(x integer)RETURNS integer AS $$SELECT x*2$$ LANGUAGE SQL;```Now I wish to call `times_two()` in a C extension similar to:```// Look up for the user-defined function times_two()// ...// Use the function.Datum ret = DirectFunctionCall(times_two, Int32GetDatum(13));```
Surely, it is not possible. You can use SPI interface, which is most simple https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/spi.html and instead of calling function, you can call "SELECT times_two(x)". PLpgSQL is working like that. It ensures necessary checks, and you don't need to manually handle NULL values.
For direct function call of SQL function, you can use OidFunctionCall
some like
Oid funcargs = {INT4OID};
List *funcname;
Oid funcoid
funcname = stringToQualifiedNameList("times_two");
funcoid = LookupFuncName(func_name, 1, funcargs, false);
Datum ret = OidFunctionCall1(funcoid, Int32GetDatum(13));
Attention - for direct function calls the function should not to have any NULL argument, and should not to return NULL.