Hi I am having difficulty with returning clause and stored procedure. This is an (edited) example of where I am CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE public.arrcopy1( dataarr anyarray, tblname text, cols text DEFAULT NULL::text, selstr text DEFAULT NULL::text, INOUT outarr text[] DEFAULT NULL ) LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' AS $BODY$ insstr:= INSERT INTO tagdata(fileid,tagname,tagvalue) SELECT arr[1]::integer,arr[2]::text,string_to_array(arr[3],E'\b') FROM (select array_agg(v order by rn) arr from unnest($1) with ordinality v(v,rn) group by (rn - 1) / array_length($1::text[],2) ) a JOIN tagfile ON fileid=arr[1]::int RETURNING *::text[]; Then called as EXECUTE insstr INTO outarr USING (dataarr) ; $BODY$ This compiles as a proc But I then get an error (this is in perl) DBD::Pg::db selectall_arrayref failed: ERROR: malformed array literal: "3182753" DETAIL: Array value must start with "{" or dimension information The procedure works perfectly without the INTO Clause on execute If I change returning clause to RETURNING array[fileid] It runs but only returns the first fileid not all fileids inserted thanks | |