On 8/10/20 10:01 AM, Michael Nolan wrote:
The problem is your field is fixed length text, change it to
varchar(100) or text and it works without the wildcard at the end.
That assumes values don't get entered with spaces:
create table lll (text varchar(100));
insert into lll (text) values ('10% - Ersthelfer');
insert into lll (text) values ('10% - Ersthelfer ');
select * from lll where text like '10% - Ersthelfer';
10% - Ersthelfer
(1 row)
select * from lll where text like '10% - Ersthelfer%';
10% - Ersthelfer
10% - Ersthelfer
I have seen that enough times to default to using wildcard if I am
really looking for LIKE not =.
Mike Nolan
Adrian Klaver