Guten Tag Thorsten Schöning, am Sonntag, 19. Juli 2020 um 21:51 schrieben Sie: > If they are not only created by superusers, how can I restore CASTs to > a database owned by some other user? There are no other users than > the one owning the database in my case. I've retried things and must have done something wrong before, but the following works now: > dropdb ams_sm_mtg > createdb --encoding=UTF-8 --locale=de_DE.UTF-8 --owner=ams_sm_mtg --template=template0 ams_sm_mtg > psql --dbname=ams_sm_mtg > ALTER TYPE inet OWNER TO ams_sm_mtg; The latter is the important part and needs to be done as someone who owns the type right now. I might have missed issuing ALTER in the correct database before. The following doesn't work as well: > ams_sm_mtg=# SET ROLE ams_sm_mtg; > SET > ams_sm_mtg=> ALTER TYPE inet OWNER TO ams_sm_mtg; > ERROR: must be owner of type inet So only owners of types can give them to someone else. What I still don't understand is if that ownership is per database or per user or per cluster or per schema or ...? "\dT+" doesn't show that type in "ams_sm_mtg", only really customly created ones. But I could have different databases with different users deploying the same schema for the same apps and each fo those would need to own that type individually. Is that possible? Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Thorsten Schöning -- Thorsten Schöning E-Mail: Thorsten.Schoening@xxxxxxxxxx AM-SoFT IT-Systeme Telefon...........05151- 9468- 55 Fax...............05151- 9468- 88 Mobil..............0178-8 9468- 04 AM-SoFT GmbH IT-Systeme, Brandenburger Str. 7c, 31789 Hameln AG Hannover HRB 207 694 - Geschäftsführer: Andreas Muchow