We have PostgreSQL v9.6 & also PostgreSQL v11.8 installed on various Linux VMs with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.8 (Maipo) OS. We're also running
repmgr v5.1.0 & PgBouncer v1.13.
We're getting vulnerability reports from our Security Office for the following packages:
- python-pulp-agent-lib-
- python-gofer-2.12.5-5.el7sat
For some reason these packages aren't being updated to the current versions & our
Linux Admins haven't been able to resolve the update issue. It has something to do with a satellite? (I'm not a Linux Admin - I don't really know what they're talking about). Anyway,
are these packages anything that would be required by PostgreSQL, repmgr or PgBouncer? It's nothing that I installed on the VMs - I assume that it's something installed along with the OS. The Linux Admin's recommendation is to just remove these packages.
Karin Hilbert