Hello, Me and my team passed a full weekend hunting a bug in our Perl written software were rows have been inserted with the same id 'acq_haushalt.hnr' which should not have been the case because any budget year in that table has a single internal number 'hnr' The table in the 11.4 server is created as: create table acq_haushalt ( hnr serial not NULL , /* internal budget year number primary key */ hjahr smallint not NULL , /* budget year */ stufe smallint not NULL , /* level 0,1,2,3 */ kurzname char (16) , /* short name for ... */ ... ); We update the serial 'acq_haushalt_hnr_seq' with this statement after loading: /* table: acq_haushalt */ DO $$ DECLARE max_id int; BEGIN if to_regclass('acq_haushalt') is not null then SELECT INTO max_id GREATEST(COALESCE(max(hnr), 0),0) + 1 FROM acq_haushalt; RAISE NOTICE '% % %', 'acq_haushalt', 'hnr', max_id ; EXECUTE 'ALTER SEQUENCE acq_haushalt_hnr_seq RESTART ' || max_id::text; end if; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; Usage in Perl DBI to get the next value for acq_haushalt.hnr: if ( &getDBDriverName eq 'Pg') { $erg = &selectData("SELECT NEXTVAL('acq_haushalt_hnr_seq')",[]); if ($erg->{'CountData'} == 0) { $newhnr=1; }else{ $newhnr=$erg->{'Data'}->[0]->{$erg->{'Fields'}->[0]->{'Name'}}; } } else { .... code block for Sybase ... } But the serial was not incremented internally as we could see with 'psql' and so more than one row was build and inserted with the same number in $newhnr. What helped was using: $erg = &selectData("SELECT max(hnr) FROM acq_haushalt",[]); if ($erg->{'CountData'} == 0) { $newhnr=1; }else{ $newhnr=$erg->{'Data'}->[0]->{$erg->{'Fields'}->[0]->{'Name'}}+1; } What we are doing wrong? Thanks matthias -- Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru@xxxxxxxxxxx, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045 Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub May, 9: Спаси́бо освободители! Thank you very much, Russian liberators!