I am trying to make a multi-master replication using BDR and because of the DDL issues-errors, I decided to use bdr_init_copy command instead of using bdr.bdr_group_join(). I have two servers with PostgreSQL services and one of them(Master2) has an empty DB, the other(Master1) has one schema and one table on its DB. When I try to run bdr_init_copy command, everything goes well and the last rows of the output are these:
Initializing BDR on the local node:
bdrdemo: adding the database to BDR cluster ...
All done
But when I check, the schema and the table on the Master1 is not copied to Master2. Master2's database is still empty. What could have gone wrong? The bdr_init_copy that I used is:
./bdr_init_copy -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.4-bdr/data -n node2 -d 'host=10.m1.m1.m1 port=5598 dbname=bdrdemo' -U postgres --local-dbname='host=10.m2.m2.m2 port=5598 dbname=bdrdemo'