I am having some issues setting/using my PSQL console encoding to
UTF-8 under Windows 10.
I have a Windows server and client. The Postgres 12
database contains tables with content in multiple languages (ex:
English, French (with characters such as é
Korean (with characters such as 브
select version();
PostgreSQL 12.1, compiled by Visual C++ build 1914, 64-bit
The DB is encoded as UTF8
show server_encoding;
The client_encoding
is set to UTF8
show client_encoding;
The console code page is set to 65001
(Microsoft's UTF8 codepage), and has a suitable font (
Lucida Console
I nevertheless get the different code page warning when logging to my DB
psql (12.1)
WARNING: Console code page (65001) differs from Windows code
page (1252)
8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql
page "Notes for Windows users" for details.
I must be able to properly display English and French text, query the DB in English and French and be able to "output something", i.e. not get any error, if touching text in another language.
The issue is I can't type / copy-paste any accented character. If I do, the special character acts as a comment but the input continues on the next line, and I need to close it again.
In the following example, note that é_fg
is gone,
that there is no prompt on the hij
line and that
the output concatenates abcd_hij
on one line
myuser=> select 'abcd_é_fg';
myuser'> klm';
(1 row)
The issue is really with the typing, because I can export and
load files containing such chars.
Ex: save select 'é';
in sel.sql
, run
psql -U myuser -d mydb -f C:/sel.sql
will output
On the working well side, I can display what I need
select chr(8217); --sort of apostrophe
select chr(48652);
브 --(though displayed as a square - unknown character, ok)
I have tried to set Windows language for non-unicode
to UTF8
, which had no effect on
the issue. The setting was recognized as the PSQL warning
(Console code page (65001) differs from Windows code page
(1252)) was not displayed anymore, but I still couldn't do select
If I set the code page to 1252
and the client-encoding
to win1252
, I can display the accented chars, I
can type them, but if I want to display text in another language
like Korean I get and error
select chr(48652);
ERROR: character with byte sequence 0xeb 0xb8 0x8c in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "WIN1252"
So back to the question, is
there a way of having a working UTF8 psql console?