Edson Richter <edsonrichter@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > How do I remote execute que following command: > CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" > SCHEMA public > VERSION "1.1"; > I'm using PostgreSQL 9.6, Linux x64, and bash. > I've tried the following: > ssh -l postgres -2 -C -p 2022 "psql -h -d test_db -p 5432 -c \"CREATE EXTENSION \\\\""uuid-ossp\\\\"" SCHEMA pg_catalog;\" " Yeah, nesting quoting levels in shell is kind of a bear. > I know this is a kind of "bash-psql" issue, but I would appreciate if anyone could share experience with this. Since you're using bash, you can get bash to do the work for you, via multiple iterations of the ${variable@Q} construct. $ SQLCMD='CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" SCHEMA pg_catalog;' $ echo $SQLCMD CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" SCHEMA pg_catalog; $ echo ${SQLCMD@Q} 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" SCHEMA pg_catalog;' -- not too exciting so far, but wrap it into another layer of quoting: $ SHCMD="psql -h -d test_db -p 5432 -c ${SQLCMD@Q}" $ echo $SHCMD psql -h -d test_db -p 5432 -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" SCHEMA pg_catalog;' $ echo ${SHCMD@Q} 'psql -h -d test_db -p 5432 -c '\''CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" SCHEMA pg_catalog;'\''' -- and now your answer is: $ echo ssh -l postgres -2 -C -p 2022 ${SHCMD@Q} ssh -l postgres -2 -C -p 2022 'psql -h -d test_db -p 5432 -c '\''CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp" SCHEMA pg_catalog;'\''' You could, of course, just use the end result of that -- but it's probably better to have a shell script recalculate it on the fly given the desired SQL command as input. regards, tom lane