According to the all-mighty manual (, life is supposed to be as simple as: "To drop the database and recreate it from the dump: $ dropdb mydb $ pg_restore -C -d postgres db.dump" The reality seems to be somewhat different ? sudo -u postgres pg_restore -v -C -d foobar 4_foobar_pgdump_Fc pg_restore: connecting to database for restore pg_restore: error: connection to database "foobar" failed: FATAL: database "foobar" does not exist So I thought I would try to create the database manually first (CREATE DATABSE ....). That made pg_restore even more angry: sudo -u postgres pg_restore -C -d foobar 4_foobar_pgdump_Fc pg_restore: while PROCESSING TOC: pg_restore: from TOC entry 3088; 1262 43395 DATABASE foobar postgres pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: database "foobar" already exists Command was: CREATE DATABASE foobar WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_GB.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_GB.UTF-8'; pg_restore: warning: errors ignored on restore: 1