On 6/1/20 8:41 PM, TALLURI Nareshkumar wrote:
Hello Postgres Support Team,
I need your help to identify the issue and apply the fix for it.
My client is running one query through Application and getting error
like below.
11:20:46.298 [http-nio-8083-exec-7] ERROR c.s.s.g.a.alcor.pdi.dao.PdiDao
- While getting pdi from 2019-12-21 to 2020-06-01: An I/O error occurred
while sending to the backend.
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occurred while sending
to the backend.
Should have included in previous post:
What version of JDBC?
What is the application stack?
Client OS?
What is the network distance between the client/application and the server?
Adrian Klaver