Dear Markus, we are doing Updates almost continously/daily. The dependeny problems occur since a few days/1-2 weeks (?). The Updates are pending since then – hoping for package maintainers to fix this, but did not yet address this in Bugtracker. Marco Von: Zwettler Markus (OIZ) [mailto:Markus.Zwettler@xxxxxxxxxx]
Hi Marco, How do you handle these conflicts? No longer updating that regularly or not at all anymore? Thanks, Markus Von: Marco Lechner <mlechner@xxxxxx>
Hi Markus, at the moment we are facing similar conflicts on Oracle LInux 7 (wich is derived from RHEL) – we manage our machines using Spacewalk. The conflicts occur (as expected) on Spacewalk
as well as on manually using yum: Fehler: Paket: postgresql11-devel-11.8-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64 (oraclelinux7postgresql11) Benötigt: llvm-toolset-7-clang >= 4.0.1 Fehler: Paket: postgis30_12-3.0.1-5.rhel7.x86_64 (oraclelinux7postgresql12) Benötigt: proj70 >= 7.0.1 Installiert: proj70-7.0.0-2.rhel7.x86_64 (@oraclelinux7postgresql11) proj70 = 7.0.0-2.rhel7 Verfügbar: proj70-7.0.0-1.rhel7.x86_64 (oraclelinux7postgresql11) proj70 = 7.0.0-1.rhel7 Fehler: Paket: postgresql12-devel-12.3-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64 (oraclelinux7postgresql12) Benötigt: llvm-toolset-7-clang >= 4.0.1 Marco -- Dr. Marco Lechner Hinweis zu Anhängen die auf .p7m/.p7c/.p7s oder .asc/.asc.sig enden: Von: Zwettler Markus (OIZ) [mailto:Markus.Zwettler@xxxxxxxxxx]
We are running PGDG Postgres 9.6 and 12 on RHEL7. Our Linux team does global Linux updates on a quarterly basis (yum update). We are hitting more and more update problems. Some troubles this time: + Postgis24 has been updated to Postgis30 + Postgres 12.2 has been updated to Postgres 12.3 claiming missing requirements: Error: Package: postgresql12-devel-12.3-1PGDG.rhel7.x86_64 (imx_product_3rd_party_postgresql_repository_postgresql12_rhel7_x86_64) Requires: llvm-toolset-7-clang >= 4.0.1 Question: How to you handle your Linux update cycles? Not updating anymore? Thanks, Markus |