Predicate locks are released by ClearOldPredicateLocks(), which releases SERIALIZABLEXACTs once they are no longer interesting. It has a conservative idea of what is no longer interesting: it waits until the lowest xmin across active serializable snapshots is >= the transaction's finishedBefore xid, which was the system's next xid (an xid that hasn't been used yet*) at the time the SERIALIZABLEXACT committed. One implication of this scheme is that SERIALIZABLEXACTs are cleaned up in commit order. If you somehow got into a state where a few of them were being kept around for a long time, but others committed later were being cleaned up (which I suppose must be the case or your system would be complaining about running out of SERIALIZABLEXACTs), that might imply that there is a rare leak somewhere in this scheme. In the past I have wondered if there might be a problem with wraparound in the xid tracking for finished transactions, but I haven't worked out the details (transaction ID wraparound is both figuratively and literally the Ground Hog Day of PostgreSQL bug surfaces).
datname | datfrozenxid | age
cloudsqladmin | 4173950091 | 169089900
template0 | 4266855294 | 76184697
postgres | 4173951306 | 169088685
template1 | 4266855860 | 76184131
superhuman | 4145766807 | 197273184