>Is is possible to have two entries which have the same >address_identifier_general, street and postcode, but different >descriptions? Unfortunately, yes. The data comes from gov't systems to regulate the development/alteration of arbitrary pieces of property and those pieces do not always have a postal address. E.g. a farmer may one year apply to erect a wind turbine in "field north of Foo Cottage" and the next year apply to demolish "barnhouse west of Foo Cottage". Now, I know what you are thinking, there is a normalization opportunity and you may well be right. However, the problem does exist in some of the other fields too and I am already facing a fair amount of join complexity in my schema so I am trying to figure out my options :) >(What is an address_identifier_general, btw?) Address identifier composed by numbers and/or characters. I'm using the terminology from the EU's "INSPIRE Data Specification on Addresses" Guidelines. I haven't yet had the opportunity to try out the above suggestions but I will post again when I have.